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Today I met Paul Herrerias, CPA, MS-HROD, managing director, San Francisco Global Leader, CFO specialization of Stanton Chase, a global executive search firm. Paul has a master degree in Organizational Development of Human Resources, and I learned a lot of different perspectives about development of human resources. I met Kim Transfer, an intern at Stanton Chase who explained the mission of the company of offering customized, integrated, high quality, research-based executive search and leadership consulting services with clients ranging from Fortune 500 to venture-backed start-ups. I also met Musa Akbari, a knowledge analyst at Stanton Chase. Paul allowed me to follow him researching several LinkedIn profiles using a data based program to select which candidates are good fits for a job that a large company client is seeking to fill. It was really interesting to see how technology makes a big difference in a business like this, and how all the search programs and tools for the selection of job candidateS

are interactive with other tools. There are two Stanton Chase offices in Portugal, one in Lisbon and another in Porto. One day I may apply to one of them.

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