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From our fellow, Cátia Narciso of Lisbon, Portugal

4 February – 2016

Today I met with Ari Horie, founder and CEO of Women’s Startup Lab. Ari is an amazing and inspiring, both as a person and a professional. She shared with me her personal life so that I understood where her personal and professional missions came from. Ari explained what inspired her to create Women’s Startup Lab and how she made it come true. Dreams can come true if you try hard enough. She taught me a valuable lesson of how in the middle of failure you can became successful, and that you should never give up on what you really want. Women’s Startup Lab’s mission is to empower female founders to be strong leaders, to create powerful startups, and to influence and shape the world though their companies, using collaboration, community and innovation. It was really good to meet Ari after meeting with Girls Who Code yesterday, because both of them are trying to end a gender gap in different ways. It’s a pretty amazing and necessary mission.

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