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‪#‎alliefelix ‪#‎albertosavoia ‪#‎daniellesandre ‪#‎draperuniversity

- I met Allie Felix from the marketing department at Draper University who gave me a tour of the campus, and introduced me to Danielle Sandre, the admissions manager. I was aware of all the projects that Draper University has, and about the distinguished speakers who present there. Allie also introduced me to “Hero City”, a Draper University startup that has amazing projects.

-Later I went to a workshop named “Pretotyping”, presented by Alberto Savoia. Pretotyping helps you test your ideas quickly, inexpensively and objectively before investing a lot of time and money to bring them to market. Alberto worked at Google to develop prototyping, techniques, tools and metrics to help determinate if a new product is the right it, and to do so quickly, objectively and reliably.

I learned that the big challenge in innovation is not about coming up with new ideas for products or services, but in determining which of those ideas are most likely to meet with market success, and knowing which ideas are the right ones!

I believe that all that I learned today will be really helpful in the future for me to develop new ideas and policies that can improve the human resources management, because that’s one of my main goals!

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